Take Control of Your Inbox: Prioritizing Your Agenda over Others’

Take Control of Your Inbox: Prioritizing Your Agenda over Others’

Our inboxes have become a battleground for attention. Every time we open our email, we’re bombarded with a flood of messages from others, all vying for our time and energy. But here’s the truth that often gets overlooked: your inbox is filled with other...
The Power of Effective Leadership: Creating a Harmonious and Thriving Work Environment

The Power of Effective Leadership: Creating a Harmonious and Thriving Work Environment

Are you a boss yearning to create a harmonious and thriving work environment? Or perhaps you’re an employee seeking recognition and fulfillment in your career? Imagine a workplace where respect flows freely. Employees feel valued and empowered, and bosses foster...
Cultivating Trust and Productivity through Transparency

Cultivating Trust and Productivity through Transparency

Trust and productivity are paramount for success. Nowhere is this truer than in the legal industry, where law firms rely on the coordinated efforts of attorneys, paralegals, and support staff to deliver exceptional client service and achieve favorable outcomes....
Why You’re Not Out Of The Woods Yet With The Staffing Crisis (and What To Do About It)

Why You’re Not Out Of The Woods Yet With The Staffing Crisis (and What To Do About It)

The pandemic may not be as hot of a topic as it was in 2020 and 2021, and we may not have the restrictions we used to have, but that doesn’t mean issues originating from the pandemic are over with. In some areas things seem to have backed off, but in others, the...
What To Do (And What Not To Do) When Someone In The Office Is Falling Down On The Job

What To Do (And What Not To Do) When Someone In The Office Is Falling Down On The Job

Nearly every week I talk to law firm leaders or employees who are ready to explode. They’ve reached the end of their rope with a boss, a colleague, or an employee, and most of the time their plan to deal with the situation is to initiate a “come to Jesus meeting” as...
3 Tips to Find the Motivation to Further Your Business Success

3 Tips to Find the Motivation to Further Your Business Success

You don’t become an attorney without a healthy dose of ambition, which is why so many in the profession suffer when they hit their mid-career slump. You studied, stressed, and ultimately survived law school. You passed the bar, waded into the sharky waters of the job...
employee playbook


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