Our Law Firm Admin Bootcamp + Academy is the ONLY nationally-recognized, foundational training program for legal administrative assistants, delivered over an intensive training session, and dedicated to training employees to become “leaders leading leaders.”


law firm employee training and development

A powerful training program designed to foster a thriving, profitable connection between attorneys and their teams. We provide access to the world’s top law firm team development experts as you get a front-row seat to over 27 years of training, tools, strategies, and experience.



law firm employee training and development

A powerful training program designed to foster a thriving, profitable connection between attorneys and their teams. We provide access to the world’s top law firm team development experts as you get a front-row seat to over 27 years of training, tools, strategies, and experience.




You feel isolated & alone

Why doesn’t your team care more about building your company?


You're Stressed Out

You would love to find more freedom and space in your schedule.


You're Tired of Paying for Underachievers

You have employees who aren’t pulling their weight…but you continue to pay them!


You're Not Hitting Your Goals

You aren’t hitting your monthly revenue goals consistently, or at all.


You're Not Sure What Direction to Move In

It scares you to think you’re steering your company towards disaster.




You're just collecting a paycheck...

…but you also want to make a difference!


You feel invisible, ignored & undervalued

Need we say more?


You lack structure & direction

It’s nearly impossible to set goals, gauge your impact, and know why you do what you do at the firm.


You want to be empowered

You just don’t know where to start!


You're afraid to make suggestions

You avoid suggesting changes or solutions because you don’t have the language of communication or confidence to speak up and lead.

“I just joined your academy and you have hit it out of the ballpark. I clicked a few tabs on your membership page and you have compiled the secrets to running a successful business. At this price for the wealth of information you have available in one spot is literally giving away information it would cost a small fortune and a lifetime to accumulate. You are the best!

–Greg Walker, Greg Walker Law

Transform your Legal Team Into the Most Efficient, Resourceful & Profitable Asset of Your Business

The Law Firm Admin Bootcamp + Academy is a powerful program designed to foster a thriving, profitable connection between attorneys and their teams. We provide access to the world’s top law firm team development experts as you get a front-row seat to over 27 years of training, tools, strategies and experience. With the Law Firm Admin Bootcamp + Academy, you’re equipped to:


Transfer Responsibility

Transfer responsibility from the attorney to the entire team so everyone is empowered to take action…


Gain Clarity & Confidence

Give your entire team clarity and confidence to know why you do what you do—and then, what to do next…


Shift Employee Mindset

Make the mindset shift from employee to intrapreneur and why that matters…


Predictable, Sustainable Productivity

Invest in your law firm’s team so you have predictable, sustainable productivity , no matter who comes, goes, or stays…


Create a Healthier Culture

Equip you and your team with the mindset, tools, and language of communication you need to create a healthier team culture for everyone…


Hire Your Dream Team

Create a clear, defined process for hiring a “Dream Team”



Hi, I’m Molly McGrath, founder of Hiring & Empowering Solutions, bestselling author, and creator of the Law Firm Admin Bootcamp. Since the late nineties, I’ve personally coached, consulted, and directed presidents and founders of national organizations and over 5,000 law firms around the world in Executive-Level Leadership, Continuous Improvement, and Team Empowerment Initiatives to infiltrate new markets, leverage partner ecosystems, and produce profitability.

I’ve spent over 27 years leading conversations and overseeing Conversation Intelligence coaching, team development & empowerment, intrapreneur talent acquisition, Kaizen Leadership, root cause analysis, revenue mapping, and action-based project management. Team Empowerment Academy is where I bring my unique ability and insight to help law firms like yours discover their capabilities, create value, and rise to the challenge in creating a thriving workplace experience for everyone.

If you’re stuck and unsure what to do next, the first step with the Law Firm Admin Bootcamp is booking a Qualified Call with me.


Hi, I’m Molly McGrath, founder of Hiring & Empowering Solutions, bestselling author, and creator of the Law Firm Admin Bootcamp + Academy. Since the late nineties, I’ve personally coached, consulted, and directed presidents and founders of national organizations and over 5,000 law firms around the world in Executive-Level Leadership, Continuous Improvement, and Team Empowerment Initiatives to infiltrate new markets, leverage partner ecosystems, and produce profitability.

I’ve spent over 27 years leading conversations and overseeing Conversation Intelligence coaching, team development & empowerment, intrapreneur talent acquisition, Kaizen Leadership, root cause analysis, revenue mapping and action-based project management. Team Empowerment Academy is where I bring my unique ability and insight to help law firms like yours discover their capabilities, create value, and rise to the challenge in creating a thriving workplace experience for everyone.

If you’re stuck and unsure what to do next, the first step with the Law Firm Admin Bootcamp + Academy is booking a Qualified Call with me. We’ll talk through the challenges your firm is facing in a confidential, no-judgment conversation and then, if it seems like the right fit, I may invite you to join me with the Law Firm Admin Bootcamp + Academy.

There’s no cost for us to talk, so hit the button below to schedule a time for us to talk. I’m excited to connect with you soon.

“Molly helped me realize that friendship and business were two individual entities that could not be intertwined as each needed its own specific nourishment. She helped guide me through the painful process of separation from the partnership to learning how to achieve as a solo practitioner. Initially, fear and self-doubt were preventing me from understanding my value. Molly, kept me focused from day one of my new practice with no doubts of my value and ability to succeed. She taught me in accountability and the power of putting goals in writing does come to fruition. I never thought that I would be doubling my income within 30 days of her guidance! Molly is not only an outstanding business advisor but also an amazing human being!”

–Amena Choudhury, Choudhury Law

What’s Included with the Law Firm Admin Bootcamp + ACADEMY?

The Law Firm Admin Bootcamp + Academy is strategically segmented into weekly trainings with follow-up materials, action steps, and team support including:


Weekly Reporting to an Accountability Coach


Monthly Mindset Training Class with a National Mindset Expert



We’ll review weekly intake strategies, as well as cancel/reschedule and follow-up skills.


Weekly Team Empowerment, Management and Leadership Academy™ Training Modules

Additional on-demand trainings designed to allow you to finally let go of your law firm “management” (administrative headaches) with confidence, clarity and certainty: one lesson delivered every Thursday morning to your team’s inbox.


Monthly VIP Call

Private, customized, monthly 30-minute one-on-one VIP call for the attorney and/or team leader. This call is yours to use how you wish, for you to get the maximum impact out of your private, dedicated call.


One Year of Exclusive Access (for Your Entire firm) to Members-Only Platform

24/7, instant access to an exclusive members-only platform with over 175+ tools, techniques, training courses and manuals in all areas of the practice from marketing, leadership, management, job descriptions, annual reviews, incentive compensation, ROI’s and KPI’s, hiring, firing and money mapping… and so much more!

Each course focuses on a real-life, straightforward principle on how to build your firm’s team into a thriving workforce operating inside a healthy culture.

Results #1

Accountability & Deadlines

Team Empowerment Academy’s success lies in the team’s seamless adoption of the Intrapreneur Mindset. This transformative module facilitated the shift from an employee mentality to a CEO mindset, fostering accountability. Despite any encountered excuses or resistance, this shift remains the secret to achieving buy-in at all levels.


Intrapreneur Habits: Owning the Phone, Calendar & Client Experience

With the successful mindset shift to Intrapreneur, you and your team have embraced ownership of the future. Implementing Intrapreneur Habits has provided a step-by-step battle plan, resulting in newfound traction. Weekly reporting, real-time progress tracking, and measurable KPIs for all team members, including attorneys, have contributed to this remarkable progress.


9 Ways to Support & Protect Your Attorneys

Attorneys have successfully shifted their approach by prioritizing tasks aligned with their expertise. Through the exploration of nine essential strategies, their time, energy, confidence, and family priorities have been safeguarded. This transformation enables attorneys to concentrate on effectively leading their firms into a prosperous future.



Drama, Meltdowns & Shutdowns

By fostering a business culture centered on adult responses, characterized by a tactful yet truthful approach, the firms have effectively eliminated meltdowns and showdowns. This transformative shift honors all individuals involved and cultivates a harmonious working environment conducive to productivity and success.



Time & Money: “Owning the Ideal Law Firm Success Model”

Your firm is only as effective as your cash flow and calendar allows you to be. Recognizing the crucial role of these factors in determining effectiveness, the deep-dive exploration has led to a weekly intentional prioritization and declaration of high-impact activities for each team member.


Understanding the Stages of a Business’s Lifecycle

No two law firms are made equal, which is why teams who want to accelerate their impact need to know, understand, and maximize their current stage. The module provides comprehensive understanding of various business lifecycle stages, enabling teams to identify the appropriate steps for their continued growth and success.


Keeping the Phone Ringing With Qualified Leads

Firms have achieved success by implementing a reliable, data-driven marketing strategy to attract and secure ideal clients. This approach generates qualified leads that align with the firm’s target client profile. The result is a clear understanding of who should reach out and how to identify clients that are an excellent fit for the firm’s services.


Conducting Ongoing Quarterly Employee Performance Reviews

The implementation of an intrapreneur mindset has revolutionized the discourse on employee engagement, prompting team members to redefine their perspectives on their roles. Through Module 8, crucial conversations like Quarterly Employee Performance Reviews have been reframed, encouraging a fresh and insightful approach.


Incentive Compensation and Bonus Structure Plans that Work

The focus has shifted towards consistently generating revenue rather than incurring unnecessary costs. This approach ensures a true win-win situation for both attorneys and their team members, resulting in increased business growth and profitability.



How to Create and Lead Firm-Wide Quarterly Planning Sessions

Firms that have embraced company-wide quarterly planning sessions have reaped significant benefits. By following a tried-and-true, no-fluff approach, these sessions have become highly productive and streamlined. Engaging every team member, these sessions have resulted in more profitable outcomes for the firm.


Hiring & Firing with Confidence

Recognizing the limitations of attorneys in overseeing HR practices, firms have implemented a written, detailed approach to hiring and firing team members. This decision has resulted in improved HR practices and relieved the burden on attorneys, allowing them to focus on their core legal duties.


Keeping the Learning Off the Shelf

The key to long-term success is consistency. This module serves as the culmination of the Team Empowerment Academy experience, providing a roadmap to ensure a consistent learning approach.

THE Law Firm Admin Bootcamp + ACADEMY IS NOT FOR YOU IF:


You only care about profit

You don’t care about serving your team members better—profit is the only part that matters to you.


You're Need Help with a 'Vision Statement'

You’re looking for someone to help you develop a ‘vision statement’ or watered-down business plan for your practice…we are NOT your consultants and this academy is not for you!


You Want a "Magic Pill"

You’re wanting a “magic pill” to fix your firm and you’re not willing to do the hard work to build a great culture for the future.

The Law Firm Admin Bootcamp + ACADEMY is Perfect for you if:


You want to see your people thrive

You want to see everyone at your firm thrive with the right resources, direction, and roles.


You want results!

You’re hungry to get the results you want and ready to put in the hard work.


You're willing to learn

You’re humble and willing to learn from some of the top experts at building great law firms.


You don't have all the answers

You know you don’t have all the answers and you’re willing to try new ideas and solutions.


You're ready to commit

You’re ready to commit your time and money towards the best solution on the market.

THE Law Firm Admin Bootcamp + ACADEMY IS NOT FOR YOU IF:


You only care about profit

You don’t care about serving your team members better—profit is the only part that matters to you.


You're Need Help with a 'Vision Statement'

You’re looking for someone to help you develop a ‘vision statement’ or watered-down business plan for your practice…we are NOT your consultants and this academy is not for you!


You Want a "Magic Pill"

You’re wanting a “magic pill” to fix your firm and you’re not willing to do the hard work to build a great culture for the future.

The Law Firm Admin Bootcamp + ACADEMY is Perfect for you if:


You want to see your people thrive

You want to see everyone at your firm thrive with the right resources, direction, and roles.


You want results!

You’re hungry to get the results you want and ready to put in the hard work.


You're willing to learn

You’re humble and willing to learn from some of the top experts at building great law firms.


You don't have all the answers

You know you don’t have all the answers and you’re willing to try new ideas and solutions.


You're ready to commit

You’re ready to commit your time and money towards the best solution on the market.



“Molly trained my team on how best to work together to meet common goals. The team was better equipped to support our lawyers as well as each other. She took the time to get to know our systems and workflow. Then she was able to identify which team members were best able to work in the various positions. The time Molly took to understand the different personalities and skills of our team members to understand how they could best support each other, improved our workflow and morale. The team always looked forward to the calls and left them eager to improve the organization as a whole.”

–Tim Sechler, Sechler Law

This is for the Skeptics

Of course, we can’t guarantee every law firm will have world-changing results after going through the Law Firm Admin Bootcamp + Academy. As much as would like to make that guarantee, we can’t, as you can understand.

What we can guarantee is that you will receive some of the best content, insight, and support available for empowering every member of your law firm at each level. If you’re willing to put in the work and follow our proven process, we would love to exceed any of your expectations.



Gaining Clarity & Confidence

Gaining clarity and confidence in knowing which direction your firm is headed and why it matters…
Having the exact team and processes in place for everyone to focus their strengths for optimal productivity…


Thriving & Healthy Law Firm Culture

Enjoying a thriving, healthy culture that fosters great conflict resolution and firm-wide accountability with everyone’s best interests in mind…


Giving Your Attorney Freedom

Giving your attorney true freedom from the day-to-day operations so they can focus on serving clients and making memories with the people who matter the most…


The Best Onboarding & Training

Providing the best onboarding and training experience for every team member that’s consistent and proven to keep everyone engaged with an “Intrapreneur Mindset”

This is Your Future with the Law Firm Admin Bootcamp + ACADEMY

It starts with scheduling your free Qualifier Call with Molly McGrath. There’s no cost to schedule your call—all it takes is the courage to pursue what may be the best investment your firm will ever make.

employee playbook


Everything you need to turn around your people, processes, productivity and profitability is right here in this free e-Book.


Feel like your people—and their productivity—are a mess? Don’t worry, this book has your back! Download this book for free and follow our advice about how to empower your employees to step up and lead!

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