Client Reviews & Spotlights


We’ve worked with over 5,000 law firms and businesses…and here’s what they have to say about our legal staffing and leadership development programs.

Christina Rader

Rethink Marketing

Working with Molly is delightful. This is a company built upon respect and integrity and they truly model what they teach. Anyone experiencing any dysfunction in their work environment will benefit from this program. I highly recommend this program whether you are hiring your first employee or seeking to restore a healthy work environment.

John Rehbein

Ettinger Consulting

I have worked with Molly for several years and she is the best…period! She guided our law firm into success when we were stuck. She helped each person individually to bring team success. She personally showed me how to master my time and be successful in my position. Her support and “tough love” brought me encouragement and confidence that I could not only do my job, but rise above it. I didn’t dread going into work. Her down to earth approach is exactly what I needed and I couldn’t’ be more grateful. Plus she is just a really really really awesome person who truly cares about those she helps. I never felt I was a “project” to her, but a friend. We have always worked with her professionally on a biz to biz level and her expertise and guidance have been invaluable.

Matthew T. McClintock

Evergreen Legacy Planning

Jonathan and I need an excellent administrative assistant/paralegal as we continue to grow. We started asking around to other lawyers and other professionals and kept running into dead ends. In the end we hired Molly Hall at Hiring & Empowering Solutions ( and have been BLOWN AWAY by their process. Because we’re WC members they gave us a great discount over their usual fee and came up with a stack of qualified candidates in short order. After they did the initial interviewing and vetting, they set up a series of interviews for us with the possible candidates.

After we narrowed down the choices, they gently let loose the ones that didn’t make the second round cut and then ran the remaining candidates through 3 extensive personality profiles: Kolbe, DISC, and StrengthFinder. We reviewed those and discussed the options with Molly, who then helped us narrow down the one candidate to proceed to an offer.

They then do a thorough criminal background check and help extend a written offer, and then work through a comprehensive 90-day onboarding process to help the new hire succeed for us.

I must say that I am over the moon with the level of service Molly and her team have provided to us. Yes, you have to pay for the service but I can tell you from prior experience, there’s nothing as expensive as a bad hire.. Molly’s team and their process go a long way to avoid a bad outcome like that. I’m beyond grateful for their help, and will 100% use them for our next hire.

If you’re looking for admin/paralegal help, you will do yourself and your practice a disservice if you don’t work with Molly first.

H. Gregory Walker, Jr.

Greg Walker Law

I just joined your academy and you have hit it out of the ball park. I clicked a few tabs on your membership page and you have compiled the secrets to running a successful business.

At $600 a year for the wealth of information you have available in one spot is literally giving away information it would cost a small fortune and a lifetime to accumulate. You are the best!

Tim Sechler

Sechler Law Firm

I worked with the folks at Hiring and Empowering to assist my busy law practice. Our team came from diverse backgrounds. Some had worked in other law firms with much different cultures. Some had never worked in a law firm before. New team members always blurred the lines of roles and responsibilities between the team. Molly trained my team on how best to work together to meet common goals. The team was better equipped to support our lawyers as well as each other. She took the time to get to know our systems and workflow. Then she was able to identify which team members were best able to work in the various positions. The time Molly took to understand the different personalities and skills of our team members to understand how they could best support each other, improved our workflow and morale. The team always looked forward to the calls and left them eager to improve the organization as a whole.

Peter C. Herbt Jr. J.D. LL.M.

Gorfinkle & Herbst, LLC

We called Hiring & Empowering Solutions after a staff member gave two weeks notice. They immediately crafted a job description that fit our needs. Advertisements for the position went out quickly and interviews were lined up quickly allowing us to have the new person hired with a start date immediately after the departing staff member left. Having just done this 2 years ago and sifted through 60+ resumes in response to a Craigslist advertisement, this was so much easier. Molly sifted through all the responses, vetted the candidates, and only had me meet with the people that she had pre-screened. Instead of a dozen interviews, I did two interviews. She also handled all the scheduling. The systematic approach saved me so much time and effort. The stress was removed from my shoulders. They are professional and the entire process is stress free for the business owner.

Amena Choudhury

Choudhury Law

If it were not for Hiring & Empowering Solutions, I would have continued to be part of a partnership in which my ambitions and goals for my law practice were not being met. Molly helped me realize that friendship and business were two individual entities that could not be intertwined as each needed its own specific nourishment. She helped guide me through the painful process of separation from the partnership to learning how to achieve as a solo practitioner. Initially, fear and self-doubt were preventing me from understanding my value. Molly, kept me focused from day one of my new practice with no doubts of my value and ability to succeed. She taught me in accountability and the power of putting goals in writing does come to fruition. I never thought that I would be doubling my income within 30 days of her guidance! Molly is not only an outstanding business advisor but also an amazing human being!

Susan Hunter

Hunter Law Office

I have a team full of rock-stars. The challenge was that they were floating around with no direction and no sense of their own power to make a real difference in the success of the company. The results were not in line with our potential.

The solution was Team Empowerment. When I shared my frustration with Molly, she first had me (the owner) declare specific goals that would “delight” me, and I gave her specific numbers. She took over from there and through weekly calls with specific members of the team, she was able to tap into their skills and motivate them to perform at a higher level.

The approach of applying the specific skills and work-styles of each of the team members to the tasks at hand created results immediately. Using the KOLBE™ and StrengthsFinder results, she was able to tailor the team’s projects and help them create systems of accountability that worked for them as individuals, in their own style – rather than applying a cookie-cutter “system” designed to work for everyone, everywhere.

This customized approach triggered the desired results: My team members are tapping into their own individual power, working together toward common goals and creating results. They are focused and empowered, both as individuals and as a team. The difference is palpable, not just in the numbers, but in the attitudes and focus of each individual – and the cooperative culture of the firm. It is truly a joy to lead such a spectacular group.

Before attending Molly’s Key Assistant Program, I often felt frustrated by the lack of systems in our office and overwhelmed by the amount of work to do.The chaos of my day left me unfocused and drained of creativity. After working with Molly over the last 6 years, my office has created systems to streamline productivity. I also learned to convey a sense of appreciation and respect for not only who I work for or what I do, but more importantly who I am as a professional. Molly brings to the table an immense amount of creativity, knowledge and experience. She is a great sounding board for fresh ideas and have been essential when I have needed assistance in focusing in on my goals.

Before working with Molly, our firm often had trouble reaching our goals and keeping the promises we made to ourselves and in the marketplace. Since we began working with them in 2004, we are now reaching our monthly, quarterly and annual goals and have actually doubled our revenue. Molly has provided us with the consistent monthly guidance to grow our practice. She holds us accountable every month to keeping our promises to ourselves and in the marketplace. Without her coaching we would not have the tools to reach our goals and actually double our revenue.Laney has been an inspiration to me. She never ceases to amaze me with all her entrepreneurial ideas and her generosity in sharing the knowledge she has attained through her own experiences. 

I’ve had the great privilege of knowing and working with Molly for many years. She developed from being an employee with a “job” into becoming, in many ways, the ”face” of their organization. I’m not sure what their educational credentials were when they took their jobs, but they turned out to have the most important credentials of all—the focus and determination to make a difference in the companies they’ve been part of. Their organization would not have made as great an impact on my life and practice without Molly at the helm.

Roslyn Drotar Cassidy

Digital Social Strategist

Working with Hiring & Empowering Solutions has been transformational for me both personally and professionally. I’ve worked with them for over 20 years and am better because of it.

Not only have they taught me how to FIND my voice, but how to USE it effectively! And, they have supported me with making certain that I focus on the vision of my company without tolerating my “reasons” getting in the way of me growing my business true to the vision I have for it.

They are a complete stand for my success and never flex or waiver from holding me accountable especially when it moves me closer to my goals or it’s hard to call me out on my “story.”

I am a better entrepreneur, mother, and friend for collaborating with them over the years. They understand how to get me in the zone and provide a clear step-by-step approach to taking the next step to developing and growing my business. Anyone who works along side Hiring & Empowering Solutions is sure to succeed.

Molly has created something that is unparalleled and unmatched. Not only does her course offer so much value, Molly’s attention to you, your company, and its workflows goes above and beyond. This is not a “take our course and you’re on your own”—Molly will help you from beginning to end. She is a great business advisor and, more importantly, treats you with kindness and respect. If you value your business, you will not only work with Molly, but also follow her advice.

Serena Brock

Entrepreneur & Venture Capitalist

In just 18 months of working with Molly, she has distinguished herself as a conscientious and energetic leader of the MPS executive team. Her efforts and commitment to both MPS and its growth have created a happier and more productive team for them internally, while providing Brock MacNeill with the support, project management and organization required to manage so many different projects simultaneously. Her creative ideas and input stemming from the authentic relationships she has built within the attorney industry throughout the country is unmatched. Quite simply, Molly is one of the most remarkable leaders I have ever met. Anyone who knows and has worked with her can tell you that she has all of the qualities of a natural leader: genuineness, intelligence, and integrity. It is my hope that we are able to work with Molly for many years to come.

Molly has been a tremendous source of strength and focus to me and especially my business. Over the last five years my business has gone from pure stress to pure pleasure thanks to Molly’s help and guidance. Molly is the best and I guarantee she will help you take your business to the next level.

Hiring & Empowering Solutions employs a team of dynamic executives with organizational, leadership, and “get the job done” skills that go way beyond extraordinary. To say they are the best is not an adequate description; they are better than anyone I have ever known at implementing complex legal plans from start-up to completion, with every detail done. It has been my pleasure to work with them the past three years; they lifts everyone around them. If you need any job done quickly with attention to detail, give it to Hiring & Empowering Solutions.

Lots of people have experience, but not everyone knows what to do with that experience. Hiring & Empowering Solutions is incredible at figuring out and implementing systems that most lawyers only dream of. They have the rare gift of being able to observe operations, document the workflow, and then implement new systems for improvement. They were able to help my staff implement systems and training that shaved hundreds of hours of non productive time from our office. This led to increased productivity, fewer errors, better documents, more satisfied clients and higher fees! Their experience and skill set give them the unique ability to identify office productivity bottlenecks and implement solutions that not only eliminate the bottleneck, but also allowed our office to do the same amount of work in half the time. I went from working sixty hour weeks to 35 hour weeks with the same fee revenue stream and same staff size. One of the best things about working with Hiring & Empowering Solutions is that they are great role models for your staff. When my assistant saw how much their team could do in half the time, they wanted to know how to make the same improvements in our office. There were no more excuses, just good ideas for improvement. You can’t afford not to have Hiring & Empowering Solutions on your side, whether your goal is to reduce staff or improve productivity, they can help you get want you want out of your practice.


Molly McGrath is amazing! She loves what she does for a living and it shows! If you want the best, choose Molly for your hiring and empowering needs.

–Kim Krolczyk


I love Hiring & Empowering Solutions! I am currently enrolled in the Law Firm Admin Bootcamp sessions and I can’t even begin to explain how much these sessions are helping me daily. Molly is such a bright light and her enthusiasm is contagious.

–Liz Cagnon


I LOVE Hiring and Empowering Solutions because, for the first time in my professional adult life, I believe I am a human being, not a human doing. If your organization isn’t reaching its full potential, Molly can identify the critical areas of improvement and provide you with the SUPPORT to successfully turn things around. When you maximize people’s strengths, growth is limitless!

–Holly Hilderhoff


Working with Molly is wonderful. She is great at analyzing the issues in my law firm to find the holes or gaps that slow down our growth. She is even better and suggesting solutions to those issues. I highly recommend Hiring and Empowering Solutions!

–Bill Miller


Thank you Molly McGrath for helping me grow and learn from the very best. I love the journey we’ve been on and looking forward to a fantastic future with Hiring and Empowering.

–Christine Mosh


Molly was super helpful. We have grown so much as a team with her support. Thank you!

–Nikko Guevarra


Awesome people, with great service!

–Genesis Banegas


Molly McGrath with Hiring & Empowering Solutions is a one of a kind leader who shows how kindness, clarity and transparency is what makes a confident winning team. I really enjoy listening to Molly’s podcast and was honored to be invited as a guest. Our conversation about answering our craving for rest was such a fun way to share how rest is a revenue generating activity. Molly cares about the people she works with and her passion shows in her work and her team members. If you have an opportunity to work with Molly and her team, do it! You won’t regret it!

–Shari Biery


Molly McGrath at Hiring and Empowering Solutions serves her clients and colleagues through the most thoughtful and transparent communication – an easily underrated value that puts trust on another level. Her leadership and dedication to excellence are evident in even the smallest of interactions, and anyone who may have the chance to work with her will be glad they did!

–Amber Gray


I have never in my entire working career worked with a stellar recruiter like Hiring & Empowering Solutions. Bar none exceptional on ALL levels. Holly Hilderhoff is not only a professional she is an empathetic human being! I’ve never joined a recruiter that was with me every step of the process from beginning to end. The connection she made with me speaks volumes. Thank you for finding me and believing in me.

–Alisha Shipp


Hiring & Empowering were fantastic to work with as an interviewee. The interview provided a great opportunity to uncover details about the employer and discuss how I can be a strong contributor. The process was personable, productive, and easy.

–Nick Lavkulik


Absolutely love Hiring & Empowering Solutions!

–Ella Hall


So this is my reason for coming to New Jersey (just for training)!! I am so grateful for Hiring and Empowering Solutions and wish to thank my previous manager and who I consider a friend, owner, and manager Molly McGrath. At the start of the year, Molly took a chance on me to be a legal recruiter. This was my big break! For 3 years I was trying to follow in the footsteps of the best recruiter in the world Deanna Crane! They believed in me when I wasn’t so sure! Within a week Molly was telling me I was a rockstar!! She is a fantastic leader and I was ready to go to war with her for anything she needed! It was an honor to be a partner to her team and I am where I am at today because of her. The opportunity with Friedman was too good to pass up and telling Molly I was leaving was hard to do. She was beyond excited for me and knew that I would be going on to great things eventually. She is truly a class act! On my last day with the team, she asked if I would send her a photo from my first day at my new job!! I have never had an employer want that! So here it is!! Thanks for believing in me Molly! I am here because of you!

–Tom Crane


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