Legal Recruiter: The Ultimate Guide to Hiring a Legal Recruiters

Legal Recruiter: The Ultimate Guide to Hiring a Legal Recruiters

The legal industry is a demanding one, and the hiring process is no exception. For law firms, filling open positions can be a time-consuming, expensive and stressful endeavor. Qualified candidates are often passive job seekers, and the competition for top talent is...
What Does a Dream Job Look Like to Today’s Jobseeker?

What Does a Dream Job Look Like to Today’s Jobseeker?

The more things change, the more they stay the same. Today’s dream job looks a lot like yesterdays. Current job seekers, just like their forebears, are looking for a position that provides happiness, stability, and growth. These basic human needs will always be the...
When It Comes to Legal Staffing, Small Firms MUST Keep Up with Big Law (and We’re NOT Talking About Salary)

When It Comes to Legal Staffing, Small Firms MUST Keep Up with Big Law (and We’re NOT Talking About Salary)

Where innovation is concerned, it’s rarely large, unwieldy institutions that lead the charge. In tech, for instance, start-ups drive new ideas while behemoths in the field rely on vast cash reserves to buy out innovation when it grows hot. Think Amazon snapping up...
The Stats Are Scary…But Your Firm CAN Enhance Employee Loyalty & Job Satisfaction

The Stats Are Scary…But Your Firm CAN Enhance Employee Loyalty & Job Satisfaction

In April 2021, nearly 4 million Americans quit their jobs, breaking a 20-year record. At the time, this raised eyebrows…but not yet alarms. Employee loyalty had remained steady throughout the pandemic, and few experts — if any — expected what would follow. In May, a...
employee playbook


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