Chris Carroll, CEO at Copenbarger and Copenbarger LLP, shares insight into how hiring a CEO or administrator will help you grow your practice and serve your current clients better.

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The more managing of people and processes you have to do, the less you’re doing what you were called into law to do. If you want to grow your practice, do what you do best and hire somebody else to manage the other parts of it.

Maybe you don’t need a CEO, but you need a law firm administrator. Look within the firm to see if you have someone that you could develop for that role

Hire with the mindset that you are replacing yourself. You have to believe that replacing yourself doesn’t mean that you don’t have a job anymore. It means that you get to move on to the next bigger and better thing.

We also discuss the difference between giving your staff permission and giving them the authority to make a decision. Even in making wrong decisions, you learn something. Without the wrong decisions, sometimes you can never find the right one

Chris talks about setting clear expectations and goals so that your staff understands where they are accountable. Putting your goals and expectations on paper and communicating them with your staff makes them real.

What you’ll learn in this episode:

  • When to think about hiring a CEO or administrator
  • Where you should be looking for talent
  • Why you’ve got to trust your employees to make decisions
  • How to let employees take ownership of their decisions
  • Why you should be calling active clients to check in

employee playbook


Everything you need to turn around your people, processes, productivity and profitability is right here in this free e-Book.


Feel like your people—and their productivity—are a mess? Don’t worry, this book has your back! Download this book for free and follow our advice about how to empower your employees to step up and lead!

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