Human beings are no good at long-term planning. If the record temperatures consuming Europe weren’t ample proof of this, the fact that only one-third of U.S. adults have an estate plan certainly is. We are simply a species hard-wired to survive the day, not the decade, and while this is natural, it’s also costly. What are you losing by not sending your employees to our Law Firm Admin Bootcamp for proper training? What is it costing you to not shell out a little extra for top talent? What is lost when you blow a referral by failing to stay on top of emails? The answer is: you don’t even want to know.

Over and over we hear attorneys complain about stress, time, and money as an excuse for not taking entrepreneurial decisions.

“I can’t find the people.”

“My team won’t step up.”

“A rock star candidate isn’t in the budget.

“I don’t have time to manage my email.”

And on and on… and on.

We get it and we’re not saying you’re wrong, we’re just saying there’s another way to see things.

Entrepreneurial decision-making is all about absorbing short-term costs in the interest of long-term gain. In contractor language, we’re talking about fixed price vs cost plus. The former guarantees the price of a given investment. The latter doesn’t, and yet is often better for the client.

When evaluating things through a fixed price vs cost plus lens, the thing to consider is that, while fixed price lets you know what you’re paying, it doesn’t tell you what you’re losing. Cost plus, on the other hand, guarantees the contractor a profit, and thereby removes any incentive to cut corners or inflate numbers…which means you, the client, knows the end result will be high quality.

In the world of law, quality is what matters most, which is why you need to be thinking in terms of cost plus.

And so, yes, while training your teams takes time and money, doing so empowers them to take tasks off your plate so that you can invest more in business development.

Likewise, shelling out an extra $10K for a rock star employee may hurt a little at first…but, when that same rock star frees you up to do those ten million things you can never find the time to do, the return on investment will more than compensate.

The simple fact is by NOT doing so many things, you may survive the day…but the cumulative loss is staggering.

So, what do you need to do?

Start by clicking here and scheduling a call. Let us support you by enrolling your legal admin team into our twelve-week Law Firm Admin Bootcamp. Let us save you from client complaints, let us provide consistent referrals, and let us support you in making decisions to hire people that will have your back and your front.

employee playbook


Everything you need to turn around your people, processes, productivity and profitability is right here in this free e-Book.


Feel like your people—and their productivity—are a mess? Don’t worry, this book has your back! Download this book for free and follow our advice about how to empower your employees to step up and lead!

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