Act of Gratitude

We are continually worrying about things we don’t have or things that haven’t happened yet for us.  Therefore, we hardly ever take time to make a note of the beautiful relationships, things that we do have and amazing things that have already happened, and the act of gratitude. We allow the smallest negative thought to instantly change our mood.  Well then, why not allow the positive, Grateful thought to impact us as well? Why not allow acts of gratitude.

Busy times are the times during which we often lose sight of what is most important to us and allow minor details to steal our joy.  The “get your skates on and juggle” mindset is here for all of us this week as we approach Thanksgiving Day and then rush into Christmas before the turkey has settled.  What better time, than a hectic, chaotic time, to stop and acknowledge the things for which we are Grateful.    A simple, easy act can reduce your stress and center your focus on WHY you do what you do every day and what it’s all for.

How to Be Grateful in 10 Minutes
Here is what you need, time. Just a little bit of it – 5 to10 minutes – to tap into the five things that you are grateful for, that benefit you and without which your life would be less rich. Then note WHY you are Grateful for them. And that’s it, folks.  This simple act can recharge your batteries and increase your confidence.

Here are some things Molly is Grateful for this Thanksgiving:
– My amazing 5 siblings and my 7 nieces and nephews
–  Having my parents healthy and alive and well to know my kids
– The extraordinary friends in my life for 20+ years
– My husband and 2 beautiful kids and our new pup Finn
– Our new home and the nature that surrounds it

Here are some things Laney is Grateful for this year:
– My friends and family who refuse to let me be less than all that I am meant to be
– The opportunity to see the innate goodness in people as they give of themselves to support the children at the Hope Children’s Home this holiday season
– My mother, who won her fight against breast cancer, and my  mother-in-law who survived a heart transplant for teaching me that courage can sometimes be a quiet strength
– God – for his constant, steady guidance no matter how hard headed I can be
– My amazing niece for keeping life magical and never letting me take myself too seriously

Together, we are forever grateful for our work that we have; work that brings not only money but authentic, personal and professional happiness. We are thankful we are able to provide valuable and purposeful work to clients that we not only enjoy but enhance our lives as well.

We encourage you to dedicate time weekly or even daily to the Act of Gratitude, particularly when you find yourself getting frustrated or turning to the dark side of negativity.  The simple act of Gratitude can cause the miraculous to happen in your day.

So, what are you grateful for today? Grab your journal (or make time today to stop by your favorite book store to buy one) and take a few minutes to acknowledge and write down the five things you are grateful for. We get it, you are busy.  We all are. But consider the possibility that taking the time to be still and connect with the things you are grateful for will offer you more energy, clarity and intentionality for the “stuff” you need to get done this holiday season and leave you exhilarated vs. exhausted.

A very grateful Thanksgiving holiday for you and your family,

Molly and Laney

Be sure to check out our recent podcast on the power of gratitude.

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