Results Driven Data Literacy

This episode is not about your CRM. It’s about creating a culture of data literacy within your law firm, from the C-Suite down to the receptionist. Everyone in your organization should understand the importance of getting good data. There is a transformation happening in the corporate world. We are quickly reaching the point where data literacy and skills are no longer optional.

Matt Cowell, CEO of Quanthub, shares his insight on how we can up-skill our data literacy. He also takes the overwhelm out of where and how to begin if you haven’t started yet.

The ultimate goal of creating a data literacy transformation within your law firms is that the owner isn’t the only one asking questions about data.

It becomes layers deep in the organization where everyone contributes to making data-driven decisions because that’s just how the organization operates. Now everyone’s asking questions and answering these questions with the data that they have available. Then the organization’s efficiency and operations continue to rise because everyone is starting to become interested in why things are happening.

Many business owners are embarrassed when they don’t know their numbers. They are often overwhelmed and don’t know where to start. Data literacy begins with curiosity. Pick an area of your practice and start asking questions.

Data itself is not all that valuable. The value is in the insights that come from the data. What are you going to do with the data? What changes will you make based on the data?

When you get insightful and deeply curious, then you start knowing the powerful questions to ask. This will help you make better decisions.

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What You Will Learn in This Episode

  • How to get your team proficient in managing data
  • Who needs to understand data literacy in your firm
  • Why your front of house team needs to understand the importance of data quality
  • Where to start gathering data
  • How to create a data-driven culture
  • How to avoid data overwhelm

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