business success

Are you ready for some insider tips to activate and get you to the next level today in your health, relationships, and work performance? Learn how to stop making decisions based on fear and fire in your business.

Your brain chemistry is impacting your reactions to situations that come up during the day. Do you react from a place of fear and panic or a power?

Many people think that their day starts with their morning. However, what happens the last hour before you go to bed can change your morning and your entire day.

Learn how to conserve your mental energy. Don’t waste your energy thinking about menial things in the morning. Start thinking about how you want your day to flow.

Moving your body in the morning will get you in a place of flow with power. We choose to operate from a place of power or react from a place of fear and panic.

Text “activate” to (970) 829-2345 to join the 20-day challenge.

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What You Will Learn in this Episode:

  • Why you need to move your body to make better decisions
  • Why you need to be intentional about planning your day
  • How to prepare for tomorrow
  • How to lessen decision fatigue
  • Three ways to improve your morning

employee playbook


Everything you need to turn around your people, processes, productivity and profitability is right here in this free e-Book.


Feel like your people—and their productivity—are a mess? Don’t worry, this book has your back! Download this book for free and follow our advice about how to empower your employees to step up and lead!

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