breakthroughWith the beginning of fall, and the holidays quickly approaching (OK, yeah, they’re here), it’s easy to feel out of control.  Often a sense of overwhelm can creep in due to a ton of little aggravations and incomplete items we have hanging around.   When you add holiday shopping coming up, wrapping gifts and mailing cards to our already overfull to-do list, it’s no wonder we sometimes want to throw the stockings IN the fireplace instead of hanging them by the chimney with care!

Here is a quick, easy strategy to help reduce your stress and overwhelm whenever you feel it creeping in.  It’s called a Toleration Eliminator.

Toleration is something that is aggravating, annoying or distracting you that you are tolerating, i.e. something you haven’t taken care of yet.  These aren’t BIG, MAJOR projects or decisions.  They are the little things that make us feel like a loser, steal our confidence and often send us over the edge.  For instance, I bought some beautiful picture frames for my office.  Five months ago.  And they are still sitting there empty, with no pictures in them.  I look at them often and go “geez, I suck.”  I’m an entrepreneur and a mom and I can’t manage to get photos in my frames?  And don’t ask me how long it’s been since I vacuumed my car!  Perfect time for a Toleration Eliminator!  Let’s use the end of the year as a great momentum deadline.

Here we go:

  1. Identify three things you are tolerating.  Again, these are small things you just need to DO, not major projects or decisions.  There are different strategies to tackle those.

Here’s mine:

–          Print five family pictures to put in the photo frames in my office.

–          Drop off my favorite necklace at the repair shop after my son yanked it off my neck.

–          Get rid of the huge stack of shredding sitting by my desk.

I know, I know.  You have WAY more than three things on that list.  So do I!  But in the last five months not many of them have moved, right?  So let’s start with three.

  1. Set a deadline. Mine is October 31.
  2. Just do it!  Seriously, find 30 minutes – that time slot your client canceled for, or maybe get up 30 minutes early just once – and knock it out.

You will be surprised at how little time it takes and the weight it takes off your shoulders.  Remove those tolerations and create space to tackle the big projects and major decisions with less stress and more confidence and joy.

I invite you to invest in increasing your well-being by writing down three tolerations and getting them out of your head, and your life, by year-end to free up your mental space before the new year.

We have a special deal to keep you and your team on track from today until the end of the year… You can optin today for our Team Empowerment Academy for just $14.99!  Click here and see all that you get!

Champions of your continued success,

Laney and Molly

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