goals for law firms

New Year’s resolutions are a waste of time. Yes, that’s a bold statement to make in January but the fact is, it’s true. Why? Because only 8% of people deliver on their self-made promises. Investing in a project that will fail more than nine times out of ten is bad resource management and, if you’re a lawyer, you know resource management is critical. Don’t waste precious hours on fruitless labor. Instead, invest your time in a plan to achieve the following five goals and ensure that this year you actually see results.

  1. Get organized

It sounds simple, but if it were then it wouldn’t top this list. Start the New Year by Marie Kondo-ing your workspace. Limit distraction from notifications by reading up on “digital mindfulness.” Get your calendar under control and start designing time blocks for specific tasks. Lastly, practice clear, effective communication with clients and colleagues by using such apps as Microsoft TeamsSlack, and Zoom.

  1. Be a Client-Centred Law Firm

If you haven’t yet read Jack Newton’s The Client-Centered Law Firm, you’re behind. This book outlines how to go beyond legal deliverables and put clients at the heart of your thinking. By giving real consideration to what it means to hire a lawyer and go through a legal matter from a client’s perspective, you gain the sort of insight that allows you to compete in today’s evolving (and increasingly client-centered) legal market.

  1. Build Your Online Reputation

Having a website and LinkedIn profile is no longer enough (and they’re nothing at all if not up to date). The year to institute a structured online marketing plan was 2015 but if you haven’t yet gotten there then 2021 will do. Commit to a regularly published blog; curate your social media presence; bring in a killer marketing team; start publishing videos. If you’re not doing things, you’re losing clients—it’s just that simple.

  1. Take Care of Yourself

Last year abruptly pushing everything online reduced the workload and increased balance for exactly 0% of lawyers. Make this year different. Take advantage of your new-found organization to eat well, sleep well, and show your body some love. Being a better version of yourself means you become a better boss, colleague, and attorney. Naturally, your firm will benefit by extension.

  1. Try Something New

You’ve heard Einstein define insanity as doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. If your firm has struggled in past years, your answer might be to, well, not be insane. Embrace change and invest in a development service. After all, an outside perspective is better able to see what you’re missing and provide the fine-tuning needed to accelerate you toward growth. Hiring & Empowering’s 66-Day Law Firm Turnaround program stands on a proven track record, employs a data-driven method, and, most importantly, works. Period.

Interested in learning more about how you can turn goals into tangible growth? Book a qualifier call with me today.

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