Episode 257: Revamping Time Off Requests: A Call for Better Communication in Law Firms

In this episode, Molly tackles the common yet critical issue of managing time-off requests within law firms. She addresses the frustrations of micromanaging and the challenges faced by both law firm owners and employees when handling time off, especially in an environment filled with personal commitments and unavoidable emergencies. She also emphasizes the importance of evolving or revisiting existing time-off policies to ensure clarity, consistency, and fairness.


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Quote of the Show:

“Number one, of course it’s a request. The policy is that we’re making a request on this and its advanced notice is required.” – Molly McGrath



    • Create Policies: Establish or revisit time-off policies to ensure they are clear, consistent, and supportive for all team members.

    • Advance Notice: Require at least a two-week notice for non-emergency time-off requests to allow adequate planning and coverage.

    • Emergency Plans: Develop a clear protocol for handling emergencies, including work-from-home options and backup plans.

    • Collaborative Management: Use weekly and daily meetings to continuously review and plan for upcoming time off, ensuring all team members are aware and prepared.

    • Communication: Foster open communication to mitigate last-minute scrambles and emotional stress, encouraging a proactive and cooperative team environment.


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