Episode 239: Fix Your Intake

In this episode, Molly dives deep into the intricacies of law firm intake systems, debunking common myths and confronting the inefficiencies rampant in the industry. She dissects show rates, conversion tracking, and the proper categorization of leads and clients, emphasizing that knowledge coupled with action is the true catalyst for power. The key to mastering intake isn’t found in a fancy spreadsheet or dashboard; it’s in the gritty details of each step and interaction.


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Quote of the Show:


“Knowledge is power with action and execution.” – Molly McGrath




    • Intake systems and processes are frequently mismanaged in law firms, needing more action-oriented understanding.
    • True show rates involve clients showing up prepared and engaged, rather than a simple follow-up call.
    • It’s crucial to track metrics by practice area and individual team member performance.
    • Intake doesn’t stop at the first call; it extends to the moment the file closes after a client’s matter is fully resolved.
    • Employees, empowered with the right knowledge and processes, can become instrumental in transforming law firm efficiency.


Ways to Tune In:





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