Episode 236: How to Hold Hard Bargains with Your Attorneys

In this episode, Molly McGrath discusses the importance of holding hard bargains with attorneys and how to set boundaries in the workplace. She emphasizes that team members should not accept behavior that goes against agreed-upon rules and processes. Molly also highlights the need for open communication and accountability between attorneys and their team members.


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Quote of the Show:


“We’re reminding you of what we want. We want process, we want reporting.” – Molly McGrath




    • Remind attorneys of the consequences and the impact on clients and results when they violate boundaries.
    • Hold attorneys accountable by scheduling regular meetings and huddles to clarify and verify tasks.
    • Take ownership of the hiring process and don’t allow attorneys to hire unsuitable candidates out of desperation.
    • Offer support and accountability to attorneys by sitting with them and helping them complete important tasks.


Ways to Tune In:





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