Episode 233: Core Values and Culture are NOT the Same

In this episode, Molly discusses the importance of law firm culture and how it impacts employee satisfaction and retention. She emphasizes the difference between core values and culture, and shares examples of how law firms can improve their culture.


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Quote of the Show:


“Culture is in the bones and the blood. It is our beliefs. It’s how we behave. It’s how we walk and talk.” – Molly McGrath




    • Law firm culture is a way of life for a group of people, including their behaviors, beliefs, values, and symbols.
    • Communication is a crucial aspect of culture and should be prioritized within law firms.
    • Negative comments about law firm culture in online groups can damage a firm’s reputation and make it difficult to attract and retain top talent.
    • Creating a positive culture requires open and honest communication, regular team meetings, and a focus on work-life balance.


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