Why Employees Resist Change

Change can be helpful for a company, so why do employees resist the change? There can be many reasons as to why this might be. Listen to today’s episode to hear the popular ones and how to get employees to buy in on change. Host Molly McGrath, the Founder of Hiring and Empowering Solutions, shares her tips on how to have employees be excited about change.


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Quote of the Show:

“Give your employees the gift of time and consistency and they will embrace change everyday.”



  • Employees don’t actually resist change. It’s all in the delivery of the message, so if you say it and deliver it in a positive way they will accept it. 
  • Employees feel like all they do is talk about change and nothing really ends up happening, so it feels like an endless loop.
  • Employees are typically well invested and excited about change. They are more nervous about the framework and timeline of the change.
  • When you want to introduce any form of change, you want to make sure you have enough time for that.
  • Carve out time to have a conversation with your employees about the change. Don’t just send an email or a Slack, talk with them in person.
  • Have weekly meetings with your employees. It will show that you respect their time and want to give them the time and attention they deserve.


Ways to Tune In:

employee playbook


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