When you have a practice to run, business work to handle, and clients to satisfy…

you simply CANNOT afford to lose your focus and allow your time to be derailed by team members.

It starts as just one knock on the door from staff to ask a “quick question.”

Then comes a phone interruption from a client or prospect that really didn’t need to be put through.

How about the barrage of emails with questions that could have been answered with searching the “quick access” feature on the internal hard drive?

Oh, and now team members are fighting, one is crying and wants to come into your office to talk…

Before you know it, hours of your day have been consumed by management problems while the client work continues to pile up.



Having your days derailed in this way is simply not sustainable. If you can relate to any of this, it’s time to teach your team how to fish vs. you feeding them fish if you want your practice to thrive.

The NEW Team Empowerment Training Academy is a resource that can help you.

We have launched an entire program dedicated to teaching, training and empowering your team to run the practice and do their jobs with excellence, so that you can get back to focusing the things that REALLY need your attention.

They’ll be able to reach out to us for SOS calls, or dig into their membership materials where they can access phone scripts, training materials, work flows, charts, webinars, Q & A’s and recordings that should answer most of the questions that are currently being fielded by you.

But most importantly, this program will teach your team how to be resourceful and take ownership of figuring out their own problems.

When they DO eventually come to you, we want it to be with proposed SOLUTIONS for you to choose from, rather than a list of their issues.

Wouldn’t it be nice to hear, “hey—we are dealing with this issue. I’ve done my homework, checked in with my Team Empowerment mentors and determined that we can handle it this way, this way or this way. Which is the best choice for you?”

If that sounds like music to you ears, we encourage you to give yourself the gift of TIME and sanity in your practice this holiday season. Until January 1st, membership in the Team Empowerment Academy is only $49 per month.

You can click here to see everything that’s included in the program to help you and your team soar to new levels of efficiency and success in 2018.

The price will be going up to $97 a month soon, so join us while membership is at the lowest investment we’ll ever offer. Here’s that link again:

Here’s to working together in 2018,


P.S. Have questions about the program? Just hit reply and let me know a few dates/times that you have available to jump on a quick call.

employee playbook


Everything you need to turn around your people, processes, productivity and profitability is right here in this free e-Book.


Feel like your people—and their productivity—are a mess? Don’t worry, this book has your back! Download this book for free and follow our advice about how to empower your employees to step up and lead!

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