We’ve seen exceptional people quit lucrative jobs because of the team players they were forced to work with.

The team you work with is the make or break part of your ability to succeed in the workplace.  In the workplace there are two sides of the equation, namely, those whom look to you for support, and those whom you look to for support.  In other words, are you working in and providing others an environment of co-workers who inspire and allow growth?

The biggest trap you can fall into is the trap of “I can do it faster myself” and this is one we have fallen into ourselves time after time.  If you are overloaded with work and feel you don’t have the “time” to stop and train someone how to help you, things will never change.  You will continue to be overloaded and overworked.

The other devastating effect of “I can do it faster myself” is that you not only harm yourself, but you take away an opportunity of growth for your team.  A team that grows together stays together.  To empower yourself and your team, create growth opportunities for you and them.  As you move forward, they move forward in unison.  No talented team member is going to be satisfied without growth.

If you’re still overwhelmed by the thought of training a new person, think of how much time you’re already dedicating to dealing with issues of problem employees.  How much time do you spend cleaning up their messes, having corrective conversations with them, or calming down your boss when they are in an uproar?  Are you really saving time and energy by not correcting your team issues?

Hopefully you realize the importance of a solid team to your own career growth as well as the company’s success.  If you are ready to start taking the steps to build a solid team with integrity, passion, and potential join us for our free webinar, “What Your Support Team Needs to Know to Help You Succeed” on September 28th at 11am-noon EST.  To register email info@yeschick.com.

Champions of your continued success,

Molly and Laney

employee playbook


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