On this week’s “Don’t Be a Yes Chick” weekly tele-class a firm was sharing where they were jammed up and at the end of their sharing they paused and said, “Sometimes you ask yourself what’s it all for?”

How many of you have asked yourselves that after a week (or year) of back to back appointments, no time to “get the work done” , no silence or space in your calendar for thinking and at the end of month not earning what you were necessarily hoping for?

But how do you eliminate the “what’s it all for” mindset and feeling? It’s very simple. Not to eliminate the feelings of wonder and worry  but to bring you and your team back to EXACTLY what it is all for and squash the hopeless position where there is no room for possibility of growth.

Here are 5 key elements to staying in touch with “what it’s all for”:
1. Intentional team meetings
2. An On Purpose schedule
3. Defined roles and goals
4. Quarterly retreats
5. Annual retreat

It sounds too simple? Maybe you’re saying, who’s got the time? Who can afford all these useless meetings when we’ve got work to do?  We say not only can you but you cannot afford not to. In years of coaching over hundreds of law firms, the first step to get these five key elements in place starts with a comprehensive analysis of all resources including how you’ve been operating and communicating as a team.  The five areas above are unquestionably involved in the analysis and we can 100% point back to the firms that were barely getting by, not being able to attract, find and keep “good people” and frustrated because whatever national organization, marketing firm, or system they just invested in “is not doing what they promised they would” all answered “No, we are not doing” to the five key elements.

In our experience, if you are actually right on track but you are not operating with the above formula in place, you are likely producing the frustrating, inconsistent results that leave you deflated and living in a world of wonder and worry.

How many of you have asked yourselves what’s it all for?

Let us help you build a support team to help you produce consistant results and keep in touch with “what it’s all for”.  Register for our next Don’t Be a Yes Chick team tele-training series beginning April 10.  Only 10 companies accepted.  Email us for more info or to register – info@yeschick.com.

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