The Ultimate Smart Solution

If your Looking for The Ultimate Smart Solution, then this is for you: THE SMART HIRE SOLUTION

Are you stuck in a rut in your career?  Do you feel somewhere deep inside that your work should be more fulfilling; that this can’t be all you were meant to do? The Ultimate Smart Solution could be the answer.

Sometimes you may love what you do, but feel out of control of your work environment.  You might be frustrated by your company’s chaos and lack of efficiency and leave work so frustrated that you couldn’t get everything you need to get done completed. This is where The Ultimate Smart Solution can help.

Or maybe you are in a new job and hoping this will be “the one”.  If so, you are probably nervous about how to show your new boss your full potential.

Or maybe you love your work and those you work with, and feel ready to take on more responsibility and continue your career.

Are you unsure where to go to get what you need to take the next step to fulfilling your future?  Are you considering going back to school, getting more training or certifications or searching for a new, more fulfilling job? Enter The Ultimate Smart Solution.

Whether you are feeling out of control or uninspired by your current job or excited about a new one, this blog is for you.  It’s a no degree required, no night classes needed way to take control of your professional life and learn to run your office, and stop letting it run you.  This blog will help you realize your passion and help you find it in your professional life.  That’s right; we just said passion and professional in the same sentence!  It is possible!  Just like it’s possible to achieve at work, while still keeping boundaries between your work time and your personal time.

In this blog we will break through many sugar-coated clichés like “leave your personal life at the door” and “the boss is always right”.  Let’s be for real…. You can’t leave it at the door and the boss isn’t always right.  But how do you deal with that?  In this blog we’ll teach you not just how to deal with it, but how to turn it to your advantage and excel.

This blog is written for you, by people just like you.  Molly and Laney walk the walk and talk the talk of a time-stressed, overachieving, worked their way up professional, just like you.  We go by many names.  They call us “assistant”, “secretary”, “administration support”, “support staff”, “the right hand” and at some point you have or will have been called “the assistant who really does all the work” (Tongue in cheek by some other professional trying to compliment you, of course…)  None of those titles sum up that in real life, let’s face it, you are the one juggling your tasks while reminding your boss of theirs, balancing your urgent needs with theirs and doing it all while grabbing the phones for your receptionist that is late, straightening a picture on the wall no one else notices is crooked, preparing important documents for a presentation your entrepreneur is making and returning 5 phone calls they didn’t have a chance to – and that’s all during the lunch break you never take!

You will find this blog radically different than other “professional growth” blogs.  First and foremost because it’s written by two people just like you.  We have no fancy degrees and no psychology background; just tried and true methods learned and perfected in the field of battle – the office!

Even more than learning how to survive life with an entrepreneur, after reading this blog you will know how to find your dreams, and have the meaningful, fulfilling life you always wanted.  And guess what, that doesn’t mean you have to jump up and quit your job to wander aimlessly and “find yourself”! We’ve never understood why finding yourself has to mean being unemployed and without a plan.  In this blog we’ll teach you how to find your dreams, without losing the progress you’ve already made in your life.  And you may find them closer to home, well closer to the office, than you think.  And if you don’t, you’ll at least have the tools to recognize them the next time you are job hunting.

If you are reading this blog, you are that type of person that has that intangible quality of “getting it done”.  You are probably the person people have always called when they have a problem, the one whose opinion is asked, the one who people always look to when they need someone to trust to get the job done.  While that might be a great compliment, that intangible quality is hard to express in a resume.  It doesn’t show up as a skill or certification.  There is no degree in “trust me to get it done”.  Often that inability to articulate and measure this quality results in you being underpaid, under-promoted and let’s face it, under appreciated.  This blog will teach you how to harness that skill you already have, develop it and be able to clarify it to those you work for, which will result in more money, more respect and more personal satisfaction.

Welcome to The Ultimate Smart Solution™!

employee playbook


Everything you need to turn around your people, processes, productivity and profitability is right here in this free e-Book.


Feel like your people—and their productivity—are a mess? Don’t worry, this book has your back! Download this book for free and follow our advice about how to empower your employees to step up and lead!

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