This blog will be dedicated to getting the most out of the twelve days of Christmas.  Each day we will post a suggestion or idea for marketing, planning or otherwise preparing to end 2009 with a bang and start 2010 powerfully.  Some ideas are ours. Some are being shared (with permission) by attorneys or teams we work with.

The remaining 11 ideas will ONLY be posted to our blog, Facebook Fan page and Twitter – so use the links below to connect with us so you don’t miss out!

The Twelfth Day of Christmas:

Often what steals most of our energy and focus in January are the lingering “messes” from the previous year.  Today, pick the 12 messes that are driving you nuts and tackle one each day so you end the year with some mental space for new projects, instead of wasting your thoughts on old messes.

They don’t have to be major projects.  Here are a few examples:
1. Get all team’s phone numbers programmed in my cell phone for easy access.
2. Get extension list on phone updated with current, accurate extensions for team.
3. Take home extra books on bookshelf that I no longer have room for and look messy.
4. Get all software put on one shelf with an inventory list so we stop buying new stuff because we can’t find anything.
5. Research cell phone plans for a better rate and upgrade my phone.
6. Have paint on doors touched up – the scuff marks are driving me crazy.  (Close office at 3pm, order pizza and have the team paint from 3-5pm.)

Helpful hints:
1. Don’t be overly ambitious with your list.  Even if you have 27 messes to clean up its far better to complete 12 than to spend an hour listing them all out and lose your momentum before you even finish your list!
2. Divide the twelve and split between you and your team.  Even if your involvement is required in all 12, you can spread out the responsiblity of helping and reminding you.
3. Make it fun – treat yourself, or your team if they help, to something fun when they are complete.  Nothing big – a Starbucks Peppermint Mocha…cake…some small but celebratory.
4. If business is a bit slow for you right now, schedule out half a day for you and your team to tackle the twelve messes and be done with it.  Use the lull in business to clean up old messes.

Don’t forget to subscribe to our blog, Facebook fan page or twitter (links below) to receive the remaining 11 Days of Christmas.

To your continued success,
Molly and Laney

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