Young girl celebrating with confettiIn one of our most popular posts, “Six Things My One-Year-Old Taught Me About Managing,”  I shared ways my son approaches daily life that produced tremendous results when applied to my business.  I continue to notice and learn from his innocent, uncensored approach to the world and apply the lessons to how I handle my business.

This morning, as we were putting on his socks and shoes to go to day care, we hit the point we do every day where he “pushes” his foot into the shoe to “help” Mommy.  Every day when his foot slides into his sneaker we go “YAY! Good job!”  His eyes light up and he grins.  And the next day, he does it again.

He likes the acknowledgement.  It makes him feel good about himself and his progress.  He knows it is noticed and appreciated.  And celebrating is FUN!  It’s FUN to go “WOOHOO!!! YAY!!!! GOOD JOB!!!” and smile.

What if we had such simple celebrations with our team?  What if we simply said “WOOHOO GREAT JOB!  NEW CLIENT,”  with an element of fun and a smile.  Would our team then do “it” again the next day?

I could say so much more, but in this post’s spirit of keeping things simple, light and fun…’nuff said!

Champions of your continued success,

Laney and Molly

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