We’d like to take the occasion of the holiday season to send you a brief note of heartfelt thanks. We are so very grateful for your continued support.

It’s been an amazing year. We celebrated our third year of business this year, which is very exciting. As we look back, we are amazed at the wonderful practices that we have had the privilege to work with and learn from. We get just as much out of our interaction, if not more, than each of you do.

For us, 2012 has been a year of joy and ease. Less is More. It’s been a year about teamwork, community and growth-based conversations. It’s been about getting folks to understand that, at the end of the day, it’s about the people vs. the paper. We have witnessed teams pushing each other to rethink their firm’s core values, and we see a monumental industry shift moving toward thought provoking vs. the simple head-nodding, and toward intrapreneurs in an entrepreneur’s world.

We are very much looking forward to 2013. Some of the themes we see firms playing with are: a year of active choice, a year of discernment with guiltless boundaries, a year of intentional time and space.  All of these are very exciting and we are very much looking forward to helping firms create their themes and keep them “off the shelf.”

Your continued inspiration, with your comments and requests for webinars and writing topics that will impact you and your team’s growth, are truly appreciated and necessary for our growth.

But before 2012 comes to a close, we want to say thank you. You are wonderful community and we are so fortunate. We’ll see you again in 2013!

Wishing you and your family the happiest and healthiest of holidays,

Molly and Laney


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