Earlier we shared strategies with you to help avoid your Seasonal Slowdown, including how you can make a tremendous impact by improving on the “little things”.  Our Seasonal Slowdown Strategies Series, covers how to not only have an awareness of how important it is to track revenues from past years but also to proactively prepare for your slowdown so you can have a plan in place and come out on top when this traditionally depressing, energy-sucking phase ends.
Here is the 5th strategy of the 10 Seasonal Slowdown Strategies you can implement with minimal time, money and distress.

10 Seasonal Slowdown Strategies
#5. Survey Monkey. One of the most cost effective ways to obtain an incredible amount of free marketing is conducting surveys.  Whether you want to measure client satisfaction, get feedback on a new service or workshop you are thinking of launching or learn more about their buying behaviors, Survey Monkey can get you answers fast. This is great for prospective clients, existing clients and referral sources alike.

We are also fans of having your Client Services Director conduct informal surveys with referral sources and clients.  Come up with a short list of questions and have your Client Services Director call your clients and/or referral sources.  Simple questions can uncover new areas your clients need your help (i.e. additional revenue sources for your firm) and areas you need improvement.  Try questions like:
1.  “What is the biggest danger you are facing right now in your life?”  You can interchange “danger” with obstacle, concern or area of uncertainty. This provides a wealth of information about other areas your clients need help.  These people already trust you, rather than just looking for new clients why not continue looking for ways to service the clients you already have.
– “My mother in facing going into a nursing home” = nursing home and long-term care planning needs
– “I am concerned about making sure I am ready to pay for my kids’ college education.” = at the very least, an opportunity to refer college planning needs back to the referring financial advisor
– “I am a new grandfather, which is great, but I am concerned about my daughter’s marriage even more now with a baby involved.” = estate planning for your client’s children
2. “If there was one thing we could do to make you more confident in our services, what would it be?”  This question gently uncovers where your weakest areas are that might be undermining your clients’ confidence in you.  It’s always better to find out about something that bothers your client about your service while they are calm, not after it has really made them mad.  You have the opportunity to improve before the relationship is heavily damaged.
3. “Would you recommend a friend or family member to us?  If so, what would you say?”  Don’t just ask would you; make sure to ask “what would you say”.  This will give you insight to how your client’s explain what you do.  You will see why they REALLY hired you and how close that is to the message you are putting into the marketplace.

Either way you approach surveying, two things are crucial to making it an effective strategy to find additional revenue and improvements.  First, decide ahead of time what the next actions are.  For example, if a client brings up a family member that needs planning already know exactly what the next, recommended step is – scheduling an initial consult, mailing out an intro package, etc.  If not, you end up with a stack of surveys on your Client Relations Director’s desk that are waiting for “time with the attorney” to see what’s next.  Figure it out ahead of time to avoid delays.  Second, make sure follow up time is scheduled.  Otherwise all the effort is fruitless.

Stay tuned for Strategy #6!  If you missed previous strategies click here.

Share!  What have you done to proactively plan for your traditional slowdown? We very much welcome what has worked for you.

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