The last thing you want on your team is someone who nods their head, doesn’t give honest while respectful feedback, and whom clocks in and out with no thought process or ownership of their role in your firm.   It is not empowering for you OR your team.

Don’t miss this chance to have your support team not only read, but effectively implement the TOOLS, STRATEGIES and ATTITUDES necessary to support you in the growth of your business.

This 12-week tele-series is NOT “one more thing your team doesn’t have time to do“! 

What’s in it For the Attorney?

  • Turn Your Key Team Member into a Consistent Star Player
  • Create More Value for Your Business with Proactive Employees
  • Generate More Profit with Increased Bottomline Thinking
  • Eliminate Time Wasters, Energy Vampires, and Other Destructive Time Thievery

What’s in it For the Team?

  • Get Your Team to Love Their Jobs, Feel Respected, and Improve Productivity
  • Understand What Your Boss Really Wants & Need
  • Do More of the Work You Love and Are Good At While Making Sure Nothing Falls Through the Cracks
  • Build Your Dream Team of Talented and Proactive Team Members
  • Discover How to Help Focus Your Boss on His/Her Goals
  • Finally Feel Heard and Appreciated Without Feeling Like Your Whining or Begging
  • And Much More!

In this 12-week teleconference series your team will:
· FINALLY have an understanding of what is being asked of them in their role and how to get there
· How to operate as a team, know each person’s role in a way where everyone wins
· Walk away with an understanding and implementation of a chapter a week from the #1 Amazon book, Don’t Be a Yes Chick! · Participate in how to grow in an empowering, inspiring way.

Space is limited to 10 Firms – only 4 spots remaining.

Registation Deadline December 31st at 5PM EST. 
Price PER FIRM (not per team member) is $297 a month/for three months.  Price includes a copy of Don’t Be a Yes Chick! for each registered team member.

Tele-sessions begin Tuesday, January 10 at 4pm EST.

To register or for more information, please email or call 800-590-6956.

Champions of your continued success,


employee playbook


Everything you need to turn around your people, processes, productivity and profitability is right here in this free e-Book.


Feel like your people—and their productivity—are a mess? Don’t worry, this book has your back! Download this book for free and follow our advice about how to empower your employees to step up and lead!

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