It’s Friday morning. Fridays are growth days – days where client meetings are off-limits. Fridays are all about focus and pumping out content. You wake up energized, thinking of all the things you are going to crush with your sacred unscheduled white space.
You just completed a killer workout and you’ve been on a roll, turning the corner on 30 consistent days of owning your mornings with exercise.

You’re driving to the office, listening to a fantastic podcast. Your ideas are flowing and you cannot wait to sit down with a cup of coffee to pump out the rest of the content for your monthly newsletter and the downloadable workbook for social and digital lead generation. Then you are going to spend lunch with your assistant talking about your upcoming speaking engagement, and end the day by completing promised client work that has been driving you nuts because you just haven’t been able to get to it.

You walk into the office and your receptionist meets you with a wild eye and highly charged emotions about the unhappy client she just hung up with. She also “needs” to let you know that the landlord stopped by to discuss the rent increase going into effect in 90 days.

You walk into the office feeling like a kid coming home from the coolest birthday party with your favorite-color balloon – and your older brother greets you by popping your balloon with his BB gun.

The wind is gone from your sails. And your goals and dreams immediately implode.

So you walk into your office after calming your receptionist down. Out of habit, and because you totally just lost your focus for the day, you open email. And within 30 seconds you are bombarded with 30+ other people’s agendas.

How many times on Focus Fridays does this happen to you?

Rewind the morning of walking into the office.

You are greeted by your receptionist, who is enrolled in The Team Empowerment Program. All of the above stuff still happened: The upset client called, the landlord stopped by and your bookkeeper (who hasn’t been attending the weekly team empowerment master classes) told the receptionist over the coffee maker that she is quitting next week because she found a killer new job.

Your receptionist escorts you to the conference room, where your laptop is fired up; sitting next to it are your “Article ideas” folder and a hot cup of coffee, some of your favorite snacks and water. Your favorite Spotify station is playing in the background.

She says, “Hand over your cellphone, you can’t afford distractions. You have 90 minutes to pump out the following that will generate leads and revenue for next month: Finish the newsletter, write one blog post and record a three-minute video blog. I will be back in 30 minutes to see how you’re doing and what I can do to support you. Everything you need is pulled up on your laptop and in the folder there.

You will feel so great walking out of this office this afternoon when you can actually take the weekend off and spend some much-deserved time with your family this weekend. You guys have basketball and Suzie’s birthday party, and Sunday is football Sunday. Stay focused. You will so regret if you have to work. You got this. See you in 30 minutes.”

We actually received the second scenario in an email last week from one of our Team Empowerment members.

Are you ready to start spending your week living by YOUR agenda versus others people’s agendas for you?

Click here to get started TODAY ….

Molly & Laney

employee playbook


Everything you need to turn around your people, processes, productivity and profitability is right here in this free e-Book.


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