I saw a recent Gallup poll that showed only 13% of employees are engaged. That means that almost 9 out of 10 workers are just going through the motions or actively looking for a new job.

Laney and I were not surprised to see these numbers. We get the phone calls and emails daily. And Wednesdays and Fridays are the highest days for these types of calls. Why Wednesday and Fridays? Because when you are disengaged, shooting in the dark, not receiving consistent leadership … Wednesday feels like Friday.

At the very core, it all stems from disempowerment. And why do employees feel disempowered? Inconsistency in communication, feedback and clarity. Many business owners believe their valuable communication with their employees is really only conflict riddled with tears and strife. That couldn’t be further from the truth. There are endless studies about the behaviors of peak performers, and those behaviors are in direct proportion to the mentorship and accountability embedded in their daily life. They stress over what’s working, what’s not working and where their personal performance measures up to the overall collective goals. They need the boss checking in on where are they stuck and on what they are busting at the seams to dive into if they only had the resources (time, money, support, technology, etc.).

The exciting news is that there are immediate actions you can take to make certain your business doesn’t contribute to the statistics the Gallup poll speaks of. You could be in the poll’s minority, with your business reporting on the consistent success of employee longevity, proactive engagement and what we have termed “intrapreneurs in an entrepreneur’s world.”

Click here to schedule a complimentary (FREE) 30-minute “How am I doing with my employees” diagnostic call. Once you schedule your call, we will send you a worksheet titled “Getting Your Team Excited and Engaged, Today.”

In your corner,

Molly & Laney

employee playbook


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