It’s amazing how the crux of so many decisions is integrity.  Hiring, firing, growing, training…you name it – integrity is the ultimate and essential key – 100% of the time.   (Read: The Absolute Biggest Mistake in Hiring)

Integrity, however, is a term used broadly and interpreted in many ways.  One of those words we use all the time, but have a hard time really defining.

This week, I had the pleasure of having breakfast with a dear friend of mine, and one of my favorite entrepreneurs, Dave Zumpano.  He shared with me the most simple and most powerful story of integrity I’ve ever heard…

“When I was little, I stole a piece of Bazooka bubble gum from the store.  Back then it cost a penny.  I was bragging to my friends about taking the gum and my father overheard me.  He asked me if I stole the gum.  I said ‘yeah, but Dad c’mon it costs a penny’.  My father replied, ‘you are going to go to the store, apologize and pay them.  Your integrity costs more than a penny.’”

That’s integrity…and it costs you more than a penny when you sacrifice it.  It costs you relationships, team, clients, and more importantly your joy and peace of mind.  Anchor to your integrity as a compass to help you navigate every decision. And make integrity an absolute must for those you surround yourself with.

Champions of your continued success,

Molly and Laney

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