If you missed Law #3: The Law of Accountability, click here.


Law #4: The Law of Communication

Sending e-mails, voicemails, and texts, just because it’s faster than actually talking with people, is not living the Law of Communication in today’s automated, hi-tech, competitive atmosphere. It actually creates more damage and allows us to hide out vs. personally connecting and relating with another. The quality of your relationships are directly tied to the quality of your life.


Stay tuned for our next blog post for Law #5: The Law of Revocability.  If you can’t wait, check out Chapter Three: Invaluable Chick of Don’t Be a Yes Chick: How to Stop Babysitting Your Boss, Transform Your Job and Work With a Dream Team Without Losing Your Spirit or Sanity in the Process.

A key element of helping your team grow, and replace themselves, is to empower them through Employee Reviews. Not the archaic employee review you are used to but a planning session of empowerment to create a Growth Map.  To learn more, join our FREE Webinar “Conducting Empowering Employee Reviews” on Wednesday, March 26th at 3-4pm ET. Click here to register.


Champions of your continued success,

Laney and Molly



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Everything you need to turn around your people, processes, productivity and profitability is right here in this free e-Book.


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